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Гидра зеркало | Hydra ссылка – гидра официальный сайт

Получить ссылку на гидру (Hydra) и безопасно совершить покупку возможно на нашем сайте. В интернете очень часто можно наткнуться на мошенников и потерять свои личные денежные средства. Поэтому для Вашей безопасности мы разработали данный портал на котором Вы всегда можете получить доступ к магазину торговой площадки гидра с помощью официальных рабочих зеркал, которые мы ежедневно обновляем и проверяем. Для совершения покупок на торговой площадке гидра наш портал ежедневно посещает большое количество пользователей, для получения актуальной рабочей ссылки, достаточно просто нажать на кнопку “открыть” и безопасно совершить покупку, а если Вы впервые зашли на сайт перед приобретением товара необходимо пройти регистрацию и пополнить баланс. Ваша безопасность наша важнейшая задача, которую мы с гордостью выполняем.

HYDRA | Гидра сайт

Hydra это интернет магазин различных товаров определенной тематики. Сайт работает с 2015 года и на сегодняшний день активно развивается. Основная валюта магазина – биткоин (криптовалюта BTC), специально для покупки данной валюты на сайте работают штатные обменники. Купить или обменять битки можно моментально прямо в личном кабинете, в разделе “Баланс”.

Hydra онион ссылка

Hydra онион ссылка

Нужна ссылка на Hydra онион? – У нас всегда актуальные ссылки на Hydra в зоне онион. Hydra onion (гидра сайт, hydra,hydra center, hydraonion) – это самая популярная площадка на просторах СНГ по продаже запрещенных веществ и услуг.

Ссылка на Hydra онион зеркало – hydra2web.cmСсылка на Hydra онион через Tor: hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

Hydra с каждым годом становится всё более популярной, её постоянные клиенты растут с каждым годом. Её масштабы сравнимы с тем же AliExpress, только отличие в том, что на Hydra продают наркотические вещества и услуги, которые выходят за рамки закона.

Так же не каждый знает что такое браузер Tor и как зайти с помощью его на Hydra по ссылке онион. В таком случае есть ссылка на зеркало сайт Hydra онион – hydra2web.cm

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Hydra2web не работает

Hydra2web не работает

Hydra2web не работает? – Да, действительно в последнее время сайт Hydra часто попадает под DDoS атаки. Но по ссылке на сайт Hydra ниже, вы всегда и без проблем можете совершать сделки:

Ссылка на Hydra сайт зеркало – hydra2web.cmСсылка на Hydra через Tor: hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

Для чего зеркало на сайт Hydra?

Зеркало создано для того чтобы в ситуации когда на основной адрес сайт hydrarulqno4hoio.onion идут DDoS атаки со стороны конкурентов, клиенты могли беспрепятственно зайти на площадку.

Так же зеркало удобно тем, что для того чтобы зайти на Hydra нет необходимости в дополнительных знаниях о Tor. Зайти на зеркало можно с любого устройства и браузера.

Как зайти на Hydra через Tor?

Для того чтобы зайти на сайт Hydra по ссылке в зоне .onion , вам необходимо сказать браузер Tor – https://www.torproject.org/download/

Установка браузера достаточно упрощена, послу установки и запуска браузера, вам необходимо вставить в адресную строку данный адрес на Hydra – hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

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Hydra ссылка на сайт

Ссылка на сайт Hydra – довольно часто интересующий вопрос для новых пользователей сайта Hydra.

Hydra существует уже более 6 лет и даже спустя столько времени, половина потенциальных ее клиентов, еще не имеет понятие о её существовании.

Ссылка на Hydra сайт зеркало – hydra2web.cmСсылка на Hydra через Tor: hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

На данный момент в сутки на сайте Hydra совершается более 100 тыс. сделок. Hydra является самой большой торговой платформой на теневом рынке на данный момент.

Большой выбор ассортимента, честные продавцы и лояльные цены – это то, что привлекает людей совершать свои покупки именно на сайте Hydra.

Пополнить счёт на площадке можно с помощью:

Сим-картыБанковской картойЯндекс.ДеньгиQiwi

Ну и конечно же криптовалютой Bitcoin, адрес которой вам будет сгенерирован при регистрации и будет отображаться на странице пополнения баланса в вашем профиле.

Пополнение баланса на прямую в Bitcoin, является более выгодным. Так как на официальных обменниках, которые работают на Hydra

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Гидра – что это за сайт?

Гидра сайт

Спустя 6 лет безупречной работы сайт, Гидра до сей пор остается в большинстве своем не известной для своего клиента. Гидра – это сайт по продаже наркотических веществ, услуг и так далее… Перечень товаров на сайте Гидра просто зашкаливает, а количество сделок через этот сайт измеряется ежедневно в тысячах.

Для того чтобы перейти на сайт Гидра, воспользуйтесь ссылками ниже:

Ссылка на Гидра сайт зеркало – hydra2web.cmСсылка на Гидра через Tor: hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

По ссылке на зеркало сайта Hydra, вы можете перейти с любого браузера и устройства не имея при этом особых знаний.

Пополнить свой баланс на площадке можно с помощью:

Сим-картыБанковской картыЯндекс.ДеньгиQiWi

И с помощью криптовалюты Bitcoin

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Не работает сайт Гидра?

Сайт Гидра

Не работает сайт Гидра? – Да, действительно такое часто бывает, в особенности в выходные дни, связано это с активными DDoS – атаками на сайт Гидра со стороны конкурентов и иных лиц в частности. Если вы испытываете сложность к доступу на Hydra, воспользуйтесь ссылками указанными ниже:

Ссылка на Гидра сайт зеркало – hydra2web.cmСсылка на Гидра через Tor: hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

Что такое “Зеркало на сайт Гидра”?

Зачастую этот вопрос возникает у большинства новых пользователей Hydra.

Зеркало на сайт Гидра создано как раз в первую очередь для того чтобы уменьшить нагрузку на основной адрес площадки в Tor – hydrarulqno4hoio.onion в момент DDoS атак.

Во вторых это дополнительное удобство для тех пользователей, которые не имеют опыта работы с браузером Tor

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Как зайти на сайт Гидра

как зайти на сайт Гидра

Зайти на сайт Гидра достаточно просто. Есть два способа зайти на Hydra.

Способ зайти на сайт Гидра с помощью зеркала – hydra2web.cm . По данной ссылке Hydra будет доступна вам с любого устройства и через любой браузер. Зеркало создано для того чтобы минимизировать нагрузку на площадку.Способ зайти на сайт Гидра с помощью браузер Tor по ссылке – hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

Теперь вы без особого труда перейдя по ссылка на гидру выше, попадете на страницу для ввода капчи, после сразу же вас перенаправит на главную страницу площадки Hydra для авторизации либо регистрации.

Уникальность сайта Гидра в том, что ей нет равных по масштабам и функциональности.

Регистрация на сайте занимает не более 1 минуты. Пополнить баланс можно с помощью: Сим-карты, Банковской карты, Яндекс.Деньги, Qiwi. Ну и конечно же с помощью личного адреса Bitcoin который вам выдается после регистрации, найти вы его сможете на той же странице где и пополнение баланса. Пополнение баланса с помощью биткоин является более выгодным, покупая их на сторонних ресурсах. На официальных обменниках Hydra

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Правильная ссылка на Гидру

Основной проблемой в 2020 году, является поиск правильной ссылки на Гидру. Вернее сказать найти рабочую ссылку на сайт Гидра .

Регистрация и вход на сайт Гидра

Многие задаются вопросом как зайти или зарегистрироваться на сайте Гидра. Об этом мы сегодня с Вами и поговорим.
Ссылка на Гидра сайт зеркало – hydra2web.cm
Ссылка на Гидра через Tor: hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

Что можно купить на сайте Hydra (Гидра)

Не смотря на то что сайт Hydra работает довольно таки давно. Всё еще мало её потенциальных клиентов знают о площадке.
Ссылка на Гидра сайт зеркало – hydra2web.cm
Ссылка на Гидра через Tor: hydrarulqno4hoio.onion

Гидра ссылка – сайт Hydra в Tor

Есть трудности найти рабочую ссылку на Гидра? Да! В последнее время трудно найти рабочую ссылку на Hydra в Tor. В связи с частыми атаками на площадку, которые приходят в основном на выходные, у пользователей появляются трудности с доступом к сайту Гидра.

Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script 7.0 !{Latest} baixar torrent

Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script 7.0 !{Latest} baixar torrent

Health Seeds 15 Peers 26

Baixar aqui

Ao ativar a licença digital W10, você pode ativar Windows 10 com uma licença digital.


– Todos os arquivos são 100% livres de vírus.

– Este script não instala nenhum arquivo ou serviço em seu sistema.

– As atualizações do Windows devem ser habilitadas durante a ativação.

– Conexão com a Internet necessária para ativação imediata. (Se você usá-lo offline, sistema será ativado automaticamente na próxima vez que você se conectar à Internet.)

-O uso de VPN regras de privacidade, spyware, hosts baseados em privacidade regras de firewall podem causar problemas após a ativação adequada.

– Ao reinstalar sistema operacional, se você não alterar as configurações de hardware, se reinstalar a mesma versão do Windows 10,

a ativação será feita automaticamente, isso se aplica a uma versão de varejo (varejo) do Windows 10.

– Se você estiver usando a versão VL para Windows 10, usuário terá que digitar a chave para este produto Windows então sistema será ativado automaticamente.


Script de ativação de licença digital do Windows 10! {Último}


MDE X 2 Brat Sass Torrent Download

MDE X 2 Brat Sass Torrent Download

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This multi-effects plug-in offers 19 high-quality effects from Cork’s digital recorders, workstations and synthesizers, as well as stand-alone effects. As such, they are the perfect addition to any Korg Legacy Collection synthesizer and a welcome addition to any computer music setup.

Equipped with 128 programs, the MDE-X effects package offers a complete arsenal of sound processing and toys ready to meet all your recording, mixing and sound design needs – even for live performances.

Developer: KORG

License: ShareWare


File size: 7 MB

How to install:

1). Instructions are included if needed.

2). That’s it, you’re ready


ITunes Katrick Torrent

ITunes Katrick Torrent

Health Seeds 28 Peers 45

Download here

Free and Powerful Music Player Tunes is a free and easy-to-use music program that allows users to purchase and manage albums and songs. Developed for Windows, the program offers a variety of features, including 90-second song preview, radio station selection, automatic playlist management, CD burning capabilities, and easy access to Apple Music. The app has a clean and minimalist interface and is very similar to the macOS music store. If you’re a music lover, there’s nothing better than opening a platform with a user-friendly design, lots of features, and a huge library (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Apple’s iTunes for Windows is one such program. Although the company is known only as a manufacturer of products designed for Apple users, this program makes an exception. It’s kind of access to the Windows startup world, which is very similar to a Mac application. The entertainment tool retains its white interface, clean and minimalist layout, and easy navigation. However, features that set it apart from other similar apps include high-quality, no-expiration music downloads, multi-device support, family sharing, and a free trial of Apple’s latest version, which offers additional content. The latest version of iTunes now offers easy access to over 70 million songs without ads, 100,000 TV shows and over 5,000 songs. You can purchase them separately or order from a music store and download everything in high quality AAC format; Once purchased, your library will be yours forever! You can access it from three different computers, transfer content to other devices, or burn files to a DVD without any restrictions with a clean and easy-to-use interface. When you download iTunes, you get access to a dashboard that looks like well-lit music, and the main menu has five different tabs: “Library,” “For You,” “Review,” “Radio,” and “Store.” . You can use these tabs to navigate to different parts of the program. When you make a purchase, it will be immediately added to your library, which you can sort by genre, artist, or use the menu bar before this section for easy access to music controls, account settings, and help. In addition, the title shows the music being played and the pause, return, and next options. In the upper right corner of the screen is a search box where you can search for your favorite songs, artists, and songs before making a purchase. Today, music is made by many artists, both independent and well-known record companies. This means a flood of songs, covers, remixes, potpourri, etc.! With that in mind, iTunes has developed a preview system that lets you listen to a song for 90 seconds before you decide to buy it. If you want to listen to a few songs before you buy the album, you can! Listen to high quality melodies. An additional feature of this program for Microsoft Windows is that it provides users with files at 128 kbps in AAC format. The format ensures that the quality of the music you hear matches the quality of the WMA file. You can also select the sound quality when downloading a song to get the best file for multiple radio stations. The Radio tab for downloading from iTunes to Windows is; The program provides users with a listthe best radio stations that you can filter by genre of your choice. Plus, when you start listening to a specific station, Apple Music customizes your experience by creating a list of similar stations for you and managing their playlists. The program allows you to access media files stored on your desktop, add them to your library, and create a variety of files; you can even set up auto-selection, which selects and saves files to manually selected playlists. The only downside to the program is that it doesn’t support music CDs with WMA files for the old sakeiTunes download for Windows, works as a smart music player, and also offers Jukebox features. With this tool, you can rip CDs to various formats, such as MP3 or AAC, or burn CDs and DVDs to share with friends and family. As long as you don’t have a huge collection of WMA songs, the software will work perfectly with others. iTunes works like a huge store where you can buy your favorite music to store it; However, functionality is not limited to this! By purchasing an album or a song, you can share it with 6 people. All of these people can easily recharge your purchase an unlimited number of times. Does the app also allow you to browse and explore each other’s unique libraries if you both use the same iTunes? So. iTunes is free to download and use, and there is no monthly fee. Once downloaded, you can use it for music files stored on your dashboard, listen to the radio, or purchase music from the iTunes Store. All your purchases will be stored in your library and you can download them at any time. If you download iTunes, will you also get a free trial of Apple Music, a streaming service with over 70 million options? While iTunes is one of the few programs on the market to make it easier to buy and manage music, it has competition. Some of them are Amazon Music for PC, Spotify, YouTube Music and Google Play Music. While you can’t buy albums or songs with these programs, they offer a huge library of melodies through monthly or quarterly subscriptions. Download iTunes? If you are interested in music and want to organize your playlists, both offline and online, you need to download, Minimalist is the only solution that offers incredible sound quality in many file formats except WMA. And if you’re not sure, don’t forget the free trial of Apple Music. It is a music streaming service that contains millions of songs, TV shows and movies without commercials.


Google Docs download torrent

Google Docs download torrent

Health Seeds 38 Peers 31

Download here

Google Docs – Change foreverGoogle Docs is part of Google’s network of products available in the Google Cloud. It is a web-based web platform that allows you to create and edit documents and more. Google Docs projects are stored in Google Drive and allow you to collaborate in real time. All the functions required for writing and editing documents are available for this purpose. Do we need him? Google Docs is a great tool for writing, editing, collaborating, reviewing, sharing, and creating documents. It is highly integrated and compatible with other Google products, and is easily accessible through Google Drive. Document features are extensive and everything you need to create a document is easily accessible, from basic editing to proofreading and online extraction to offline logging (feature () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’); What are the benefits of Google Docs? “This online software has changed the way we work. It’s becoming more common every year to use it in a professional environment. People now prefer to share Google Docs links instead of embedding Word files like we used to. Editing and collaborating with Google Docs is super easy and can be accessed in real time This makes it easy to edit the same document without having to travel back and forth and share multiple versions of the same file, dramatically reducing the time and effort required to review and validate files, and real-time changes can be made for faster recovery. , intuit easy to use. This program is simply the best tool for professional and personal work. Docs is a ready-made repository for older ongoing projects. You can save the same project to Drive, which you can work on at any time. It also eliminates the need to work with a specific device all the time, because by syncing your Google Account between different devices, your files will be available wherever you sign in to that particular account. What’s wrong with Google Docs? Sometimes you can’t download a Google Docs file, and the formats change when you move software from offline to offline. Although you can set up documents to work offline, Google Docs works well on a network, which can be a problem if you’re not connected or on an unstable network. It is also not uncommon in most professional work environments, but it is changing rapidly. How does it compare to Microsoft Word? Most of us who have been using Microsoft Word for a long time are so adept at using programs that use it almost secondarily. While Google Docs is fairly intuitive and easy to use, it has a different interface than the standard Word documents we use. Collaborating on documents is easier because it can be done in real time and does not require multiple versions of the same work file. Because document files are stored on Drive, accessing them from any device is different from Microsoft Word files, which are only stored on the device you used to create it, unless you share it with someone or save it manually to the cloud. Other programs, such as Evernote, OneNote, etc., are also alternatives, but not comparable to the features available on Google. is thisis the last word in Google Docs? Google Docs has changed the way we do personal and professional work with documents. The software is fully integrated with Google products such as Google Mail, Drive, Spreadsheets, Calendar, Contacts and more. You can access your work from anywhere by simply signing in to your Google Account. Real-time collaboration is also one of the main reasons why it works so well. The program revolutionizes the way we work and makes collaboration professional and remote for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP.


Mountain Duck 4 Tails Download Torrent

Mountain Duck 4 Tails Download Torrent

Health Seeds 48 Peers 11

Download here



Users who have been involved with our project for a long time know that I sometimes post small tools from the help section. For example, a program for working with FTP. But now I want to introduce you to Mountain Duck, you have a new version 4 in front of you, which also belongs to the same Swiss company. The difference is, you now have to pay for a work permit.

With this tool, users can connect servers and cloud storage as hard disks in Finder on MacOS and in File Explorer on Windows. In other words, you can connect Amazon S3, Nextcloud Dropbox, WebDAV, SFTP, and Google Drive in Finder and Explorer.

Version 4 adds file history which provides a detailed overview of the current transfer and history of recently modified files on your computer and servers. Users can select items in Explorer to quickly view modified files.

To use Mountain Duck for free, you need an activation key or code, but in addition to the installation file, you will also receive a crack file from our archive, which you must copy to the folder where you installed the software, it is recommended to run it on behalf of the administrator.


Bookmarking bookmarks allows you to group bookmarks into folders in the menu, which will further enhance the user experience. There are also functions for commands. Locking a file prevents other users from editing the document. There is also support for blocking files when connecting to a WebDAV server.

It is one of the best utilities for connecting to cloud services. Automatically detecting S3 buckets or Synology resources on login is a huge time saver. This makes it easy to add or connect to many services, including reading/writing files directly (which cannot be done).


SQLite Expert Professional 5 x64 hubby boo Installer torrent

SQLite Expert Professional 5 x64 hubby boo Installer torrent

Health Seeds 14 Peers 38

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SQLite Expert is a powerful tool for managing and organizing SQLite databases, as well as visually showing you which tables and classes work. The user interface is useful, but the lack of Russian support and many all kinds of settings do not allow everyone to find out, even if you work with the database, I think you can understand where and what to click.

In the main window you can see all your databases and, if desired, run your SQL scripts from the SQL Builder tab. By selecting the database you need, you can access several tabs, each containing the necessary information. There are enough settings, if you often have to manage databases due to the nature of your activity, then I think the program is just a solution.

Developer: Bogdan Ureche

License: ShareWare

The language is English

How to install:

1). Instructions are included if required.

2). Of course it was already


Windows 10 Digital Activation 1.4.1 (x32/x64) download

Windows 10 Digital Activation 1.4.1 (x32/x64) download

Health Seeds 48 Peers 45

Download here

The V10 Digital License Activation Program can permanently activate all versions of Windows 10 with a digital license.



Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 Torrent Download

Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 Torrent Download

Health Seeds 46 Peers 10

Download here

Video editing is always higher. Premiere Pro is the leading video editing software for movies, TV and the Internet. Creative tools, integration with other Adobe programs and services, and the power of Adobe Sensei help you create visual elements for fine movies and videos in one seamless workflow. And Premiere Rush, our new program, is included in your subscription, so you can save the material and start editing on any of your devices anywhere.

Smart tools. The best story.

Premiere Pro is used by Hollywood directors, TV reporters, YouTube users and videographers to tell anyone who has a story, including you.

Stay in your creation.

Premiere Pro is the industry’s leading version for everything from fast-paced TV series to movies. With integrated, efficient workflows, you can hone your work without leaving a chronology. And automated tools based on Adobe Sensei speed up time-consuming tasks so you can focus on your story.

Any camera. Any form. Any platform.

Edit material in any modern format, from 8K to virtual reality. Extended support for embedded files and simple proxy workflows make it easier to work with media on mobile workstations. Deliver optimized content to any screen or platform faster than ever.

Everything you need. Exactly where it is needed.

In addition to color, sound, and graphics tools, Premiere Pro works seamlessly with other programs and services, including After Effects, Adobe Audition, and Adobe Stock. Open the Motion Graphics template from After Effects or download it from Adobe Stock and configure it without leaving the program. And Premiere Pro integrates with hundreds of partner technologies.

Accurate and simple color classification

Get rid of assumptions by fitting the curve with innovative toolsLumetri Color. Each curve has two axes with even values, which makes selective color classification easy and accurate.

Improve your sound immediately

With the new sliders in the Essential Sound panel, you can turn background noise and reverb on or off for great results.

Infographics with Motion Graphics models

Drag spreadsheets into the new Motion Graphics infographics to quickly create visualizations of your data. All updates to your spreadsheets are automatically updated in your infographic.

Get to the end of VR 180

Get exciting videos with VR 180 support, including optimized shooting and effects.

Equipment requirements:

Processor: Intel Intel 6thGen processor or later

– Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit version) version 1703 or later (required)

– RAM: 16 GB RAM (32 GB recommended)


– Hard disk space

– High-speed internal SSD (recommended) for software and enclosure installation, as well as temporary media space

– Screen resolution 1920 1080 or higher

Video card 32-bit video card

Adobe Premiere Pro is available in the following languages:

– German, English, espaol, Franais, Italiano, Portuguese (Brazil) ,,,,


Windows 10 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 sv-SE MARCH 2022 {Gen2} Download Torrent

Windows 10 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 sv-SE MARCH 2022 {Gen2} Download Torrent

Health Seeds 46 Peers 11

Download here

Windows 10 X64 21H2 Pro including Office 2021 sv-SE March 2022

Build 21H2 Edition

* File:

* Size: 5.66 GB

* Format: movable ISO

* CRC32: 95526378

* MD5: c77e00cd659b30cdd23e732ae1227b0c

* SHA-1: e8c425a7aa4695fae607dade9a92f9340c651e08

Connected / pre-installed:

* LTSC 2021 ProPlus office

* Set of services:


* Total number of updates:

* KB5011487

* NET system

* Full update

* NET system and:

* KB5010472


* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2021 ProPlus

* Moderator: KMS_VL_ALL

* UEFI readiness

* (Use a connected Rufus USB device to download UEFI)

* Detection and recovery tool (only)

* Packed in return format ()

* Create a portable USB (highly recommended) from Rufus,

* (supplied) or burn to DVD-DL at slow speed.

* abbodi1406, author of the statute

* We hope you enjoy this edition!

* Congratulations,

* 2 generations

Windows 10 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD sw-USA, September 2021

Build 21H2 Edition

* File:

* Size: 4.00 GB

* Format: movable ISO

* CRC32: a9d21341

* MD5: 6c41bc3a306e00ef1c5f2468fb0451ea

* SHA-1: 2765f4fb80ff0a55ac7bb24aa27082da8831228f

Connected / pre-installed:

* Set of services:


* Total number of updates:

* KB5005033

* NET system

* Full update

* NET system and:

* KB5004331


* Windows 10 Home – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Pro – – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10- – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Business – STD / DLA

* STD = standard installation – for those who have their own license key

* DLA = Enforced Digital Licenses (HWID)

* OEM – it will start automatically if installed

* The same option of natural materials

* UEFI readiness

* (Use a connected Rufus USB device to download UEFI)

* Detection and recovery tool (only)

* Packed in return format ()

* Create a portable USB (highly recommended) from Rufus,

* (supplied) or burn to DVD-R at slow speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows authorization certificate

* We hope you enjoy this edition!

* Congratulations,

* 2 generations


Windows 10 Super Lite Gamer Para PC Fraco pt-BR 2020 Indir

Windows 10 Super Lite Gamer Para PC Fraco pt-BR 2020 Indir

Health Seeds 15 Peers 46

Buradan indirin

Windows 10 Super Lite Gamer, Mağaza ve Xbox tam desteği ile ayrıcalıklara, olağanüstü ve tam uyumluluğa sahiptir

LTSC koleksiyonlarımızdan, özellikle bileşenlerinin montajından güçlü bir şekilde ilham aldı

Son enerji planı

Güçlendirilmiş çıkarılabilir bileşenler

Yeni desativar temizleme yöntemini takip edin


Ayarlar ve komutlar silinmez

Forum gizlilik değişiklikleri, hataları düzeltmek ve desteklenen uygulamaları desteklemek için her zaman güncellenir.

Xbox GamePass desteği dahil tam Xbox desteği

Eğriyi “doğal” olarak silmek için MarkC faresinden eğriyi kaldırın.

Fareyi hızlandırın ve tetiği kalıcı olarak kaldırın

Sürecin sınırlamaları

Not desempenho baseado em CPU

Kararlılık sorunları

Bu arada, Xbox Deyimleri ve Oyunlar aynı şekilde çalışır (GameBar testado yok)

Mantid ile uygulanan UVP uçucu yağlar

Yeni Microsoft Store uygulamalarında aşağıdaki uygulamalar kullanılabilir:

Cortana removida ve totalmente desativada

Pode ser yeniden yükleme, Loja’yı, se desejado’yu atravs

Mükemmel stabilite ve uyumluluk

Melhor desempenho do kuo Kao stihovi anteriores

Makul gizlilik

ReviOS – 2004 –

Yazar: Revizyon


İnşa etmek:

MD5: 2FCA939326F6EE3214CO4C2C6A5A16EF

SHA-1: 227FA7E08C1AAA308DD92C52FADCCE29F661BC2A

Windows 10 Superlite Dark Pro

21H1 20H2.

† Windows Güncellemesi Normal Çalışıyor !!!

Instalao de Drives ve Novas BUILD.


Tamanho Disko: ULTRA

Kredi bilgileri: Gleison Lima

Mimari: k64

Kullanım dili: pt-BR (Nativo)



==== EDIES =====

Windows 10 21.12.10

Windows 10 Aralık 20×2

===== ENTEGRASYON ====



OCAK 2021 güncellendi

Koyu yeşil tema + 5 tema uzantısı

Yeni duvar kağıtları 4k

Yeni Kilit Ekranı

Gri mavi simgeler

======= REMOVIDO ======


defans oyuncusu

Metro uygulamaları


Onedrive – Mas Poderar Ser Reinstalandonenew

Microsoft Store – Gerçek çalışma için YÜKLEYİCİ

===== DESATIVADO ====


Windows DESATIVADO’dan Animasyonlar

Janes dilinde ve tabii ki DESIQUE’de söylendi

Abluka DESATIVADO’nun gövdesi

gerçek Remota DASATIVADO


habilitar tatil paketleri

==== MAKARNA BNUS ====

ULTRA COMPACTAO %50 – derecelendirme yok

Çalışır, ancak düzeltmek için bu paketi yükleyin.


DESATIVAR Windows Güncellemesi.

LİMPEZA sistemi


Microsoft’tan gerçek Office Direto’yu indirin ve yükleyin.

2019 ProPlus, 2019 standardıdır



Kaspersky Ücretsiz YENİ VERSİYON

Panda Antivirus’ün YENİ VERSİYONU







The Conjuring The Devil Made Me Free Torrent Download

The Conjuring The Devil Made Me Free Torrent Download

Health Seeds 27 Peers 28

Download here

Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Directed by Michael Chaves
Starring: Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga, Ruairi O’Connor, Sarah Catherine Hook, Julian Hilliard
Synopsis: Paranormal researchers Ed and Lorraine Warren come across one of the most sensational cases in their files. The fight for a child’s soul takes them beyond anything they’ve ever seen and marks the first time in history that a murder suspect has used demonic possession as a defense.
Container = Matroska (avi)
Duration = 01:51
File size = 1 GiB
Codec Information = AVC | V_MPEG4 / ISO / AVC
Resolution = 720×300
AR = | show : 1
Bitrate = 1,500kbps
Frame Rate = CFR Color Space = YUV
Chroma undersampling = 4:2:0
Encoder = x264 – core 142 r2479 dd79a61
Codec Information = AC-3 | A_AC3
channels = 6
Bitrate = CBR 384kbps
sampling frequency = kHz
Language = English


Microsoft Outlook Torrent

Microsoft Outlook Torrent

Health Seeds 17 Peers 35

Download here

Manage your emails better with this new update, Microsoft Outlook, a business and productivity program developed by Microsoft. It is an email client that provides you with a rich set of tools for all your email needs. Not only that, it also offers unparalleled convenience for those who value Microsoft less popular than Gmail or Yahoo Mail. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t compete with them. And with its latest update, its users can enjoy more features. Heavy users can now process their mail even more easily. However, as in previous versions, the interface may look like (function() {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}): better handle incoming. Recently, the number of email clients has declined sharply, mainly due to the emergence of a variety of online alternatives that offer secure, attractive and reliable features. Unfortunately, Microsoft Outlook is among those affected. However, thanks to the update, the app seems like a step in the right direction. With the 2021 release, users can now enjoy better email processing and other useful benefits mentioned, and users who receive large volumes of emails can now better manage their mail. With Instant Search, you can quickly find emails. Like Gmail, it has a search bar above the Outlook bar where you can enter any search keyword. Moreover, the program retains previous features such as chat view and inbox management tools that combine your email and old features. Microsoft Outlook chooses a clean and clear design for ease of use. It starts by dividing your default inbox into Focused and Other, with Focused representing the most important messages. The program is studied in confession, allowing you to select a message for another inbox that is not sorted correctly. It also has a ribbon interface which makes it easy to find features. Organizational tools can clutter the app as this version retains previous functionality, such as using multiple accounts and accessing tools like Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts. It also offers group support, giving you access to a shared mailbox, setting up shared events, and sending email from shared addresses. The program easily integrates with other Microsoft 365 programs, such as Excel and Word. Plus, it works with third-party platforms, and Trello and Outlook 2021 extend its capabilities by adding a language translator. This allows you to translate messages in over 70 languages ​​with visible decoding. It also lets you comment on letters or draw on a separate canvas with a stylus, finger, and mouse. As with Microsoft Office 2021, Outlook gives you access to media content in Office Premium Creative. In short, Microsoft Outlook is a good choice when looking for a reliable email client. The program is inlags behind its competitors in terms of popularity, but offers a solid set of features that you can use. Moreover, its latest update includes new features that can help you manage large volumes of emails. The program is also particularly useful if you constantly work with the Microsoft ecosystem. It also supports Windows 11 and 10 platforms.
